Vix Knits… and crochets and sews…

My adventures in the wonderful world of arts and crafts

Sock obsession – getting ahead!

on Jun 28, 2016

It’s been a very good month for socks!

The nesting instinct is really kicking in now but, since there’s only so much I can do around the house, I’m channelling it mostly into crafts. I’m specifically trying to finish neglected WIPs, use up stash yarn, or make things for baby (or a mixture of the three!)

First up: the ‘what was I thinking’ socks (also known as Posey by Lisa Kay)

I must have started these a year or so ago but they’re quite fiddly and progress seemed really slow so they got set aside for quicker things.

Now that they’re done though, I think I rather love them!

The only adjustment I made was to only use one colour for the stocking stitch sections (heel, instep and toe). My main reasoning was simply that I wanted enough of the other yarn left to make more socks.

I did have to lengthen the toe somewhat but, if I’d read the pattern properly (or had more sock know-how when I started), this could have been easily avoided.

They are such a nice fit and I love the picot cuffs.

This was my first hand dyed yarn which I bought from a selling page on FB. Both were part of a series based on Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels (gutted that I can’t remember who by).

As much as I (sometimes) hated making these, I would absolutely make them again.

I know, it makes me doubly nuts, but I think I don’t think the yarn is really quite right here and I’m not entirely chuffed with that elongated toe so my next pair will be much better thought out.

It also bothers my tidy mind that the socks are the same as each other and not symmetrical so I might have to figure out how the alter that.

Oh my very goodness, you could even make a scrap pair using leftovers from other socks!!!

I’ll definitely be investigating this further, though maybe not anytime soon.

Next up: a dinky pair of baby socks!


These are ridiculously cute and I forsee many many more in my immediate future.

I do think these are maybe a little big for a newborn so I’ll need to get a wriggle on to make some more but they’re brilliant for using up scraps of yarn and they work up super quickly.

This was stash yarn and there’s more than enough left for more socks and some mittens and a hat, I think.

I’ve also got some of the neutral Discworld yarn left so baby might get a little hand dyed treat too.

I’m not sure yet if these will be extra socks or if they’ll count as the July and August offerings. I suppose we’ll have to see what baby thinks about it…

And on that note, I believe I hear my yarn calling me…

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