Vix Knits… and crochets and sews…

My adventures in the wonderful world of arts and crafts

Perseverance pays off

Or maybe it was stubborn-ness?

Either way the fur section of the scarf is finished! I ended up knitting it instead of fighting to crochet it and it was so easy and quick, I may actually use the yarn again or maybe make another scarf using the remaining yarn (that’s right, there’s plenty left over)



Obviously it doesn’t look like much without the pretty ends.

Unfortunately, they’re being a little problematic too. The first issue was that the tension instructions don’t give a stitch pattern so I couldn’t do a proper swatch. Not too much of an issue, being a scarf and all.

However, the pattern is essentially crochet cables which require quite a bit of concentration. But once you get the hang of it, the effect is really nice so I’m willing to put in the extra effort.

My main issue now (and the one that I can’t see a solution for) is that my treble-clusters aren’t as… ‘bobbly’ as they should be, they’re pretty much flat




I’m also wondering if I should go up a hook size since the ends don’t quite match and the existing blue piece is quite narrow (about 10cm, as opposed to the pattern which says 11.5cm)

I did try a little piece with a 4mm hook but I thought it looked a little loose. Now, looking at the existing piece, it’s quite holey when you hold it up but looks good when you lay it down so maybe I should switch back up after all…

At the moment, I’m thinking the solution is to try a couple more repeats with the 3.5mm hook AND start a piece with the 4mm hook so I can compare the two.

In other news, today is six months to the wedding and I’m so excited I can’t quite contain myself (hence, perhaps a slightly garbled post!)

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Halloween wreath

Well, a week after the event, I’ve finished my Halloween wreath!
To be fair, I didn’t really start it until Halloween itself and I’ve been busy with a lot of other stuff so it’s pretty good going
Here it is!


The photo isn’t great, I’m afraid. Some of the patterns are published or altered but I made up the bat, the ghost, and the pumpkin myself
I’m well chuffed so the wreath will go up for a week or so until the other Halloween decs come down.
In other news, the fur effect yarn is a nightmare. I made several attempts and then calmly placed yarn and hook in a paper bag and hid it down the side of the sofa… Maybe tomorrow in daylight
Any tips?

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Oooo, tricky!


I can’t decide which one I prefer but I think I’m leaning towards the blog pattern (on the right) with tassels instead of the fur fringe
What do you guys think?
I’ll be working on the fur effect tension swatch while we decide so wish me luck!

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